Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Fireproof Marriage

These are some fireproof tips I gleaned from the movie, Fireproof. If you can find it, watch it and you may find other tips I missed.

1. Do not use negative words.

2. Do an act of kindness.

3. Help out with domestic chores. Help-meet works both ways. There's no wife that won't appreciate a thoughtful husband.

4. Buy something for your spouse. It isn't a bribe. It just shows that you think of him/her while away. And what you buy doesn't have to be expensive. However cheap it may be, if it meets a need/desire, it will generate joy unspeakable.

5. Ask if you can do anything.

6. Ask about your spouse's welfare. Be sensitive to his/her mood.

7. Pray for your spouse. No matter how religious or holy they are, he/she is still a human being. Your prayer shouldn't only be about protection and success, but that God should keep them from temptation. Everybody is liable to mistakes.

8. Listen to your spouse. Don't just here what he/she is saying, listen and understand clearly what they are saying (Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger - James 1:19).

9. Study your spouse. That is, continuously learn. The learning shouldn't end at courtship. It gets more thorough in marriage.

10. Try to be romantic. Don't allow the romance to end at courtship.

11. Communicate more often. Say your mind with wisdom.

12. Value your marriage vows more than anything in life. It is the mark of responsibility. People who live up to their words won't consider divorce even when others break theirs.

13. Lay aside ANYTHING that steal away your loyalty (addictions like internet, gambling, porn, excessive drinking etc.)

14. Don't allow vocabularies like "Sorry", "Thank you", "I love you" to be absent from your marriage. Don't get tired of saying them. They can't be over-said.

15. Always PRAY.

16. Admit when you are wrong and sincerely apologize. It isn't weakness to say sorry. And when you are right... shut up!

17. Ask God to give you special love to love unconditionally. Love constantly even if it constantly rejected.
( And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving  husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now they are holy. - 1 Corinthians 7:13 - 14)

18. Remember to always revisit your marriage vows.

19. You can't give what you don't have. Give what you expect.

20. That you are fireproof doesn't mean the fire won't be too hot.

21. If someone is wooing you while you are still married, what makes you think he/she won't do it when he/she is married to you?

22. You never leave your partner especially during a fire. Marriages are made in heaven. So is thunder and lightening.

23. Divorce doesn't bring peace.

May God grant you peace and joy in your marriage. God bless you!

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