Sunday 2 June 2013

We made Love last Night:

We made love last nite
and today is new,
brand new and alive....
We made love and everything was re-created....
We talked,
we laughed,
and we prayed together with our bodies.
And You were so very present.
It's then that You always are,
especially then.
Our closeness to each other
increases and makes more alive our closeness to You....
And this morning?
This morning is sunrise,
and growing things,
and feelings of anticipation.
Today is new, brand new and alive,
and the spiral of our love-making goes on,
drawing us together upwards,
toward You.

-Joseph and Lois Bird, Love is All

As my husband would say, "You have sex with your girlfriend/boyfriend/"finance" or you make love to your wife/husband. Forget what you see on screen and what certain people say, the experiences are not the same".
As for the poem above, it is unbiblical to separate your sexual life from your spiritual life, as some "holy" people do. If in doubt, read and understand Eph 5:31-32. How can have the license and not use it?
Sex is an act of worship and prayer. In marriage, you are worshiping God. Outside of it, fornication and adultery, you are acknowledging the devil.

For the married folks, have fun. And while you are at it, quote the Songs of Solomon from time to time. It's in the bible, after Ecclesiastes, before Isaiah. Who doesn't like love poems?
May God bless our marriages with lots of love and worshiping!

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