Sunday 2 June 2013

Why do spouses cheat?

If I've learned anything since I got married, it's not to judge/blame any person who is at "fault" in a marriage. E.g. a cheating husband/wife.

With the current rave for divorce, I've come to realize that people have reasons for marrying somebody they claim to love. But they fail to consider the reason why the other person married them as well. So, once that person fails to fulfill that reason at any point in the marriage, modern-day women mostly, will start crying and clamouring for divorce and women rights.

Why do people cheat on their spouses?
Let me give an illustration from a story I heard sometime past.
There's this couple who have everything, cars, electronics etc. But you see, whenever there's a major football match, the husband prefers to go out to a nearby bar to watch it. Of course, women would prefer their husbands to stay home them. So, it's not unusual for the wife to be unhappy about her husband's regular evening activity on a football night. So she said to herself, "may be it's the drinking, food and women that attracts him". Mind you, they have enough food and drinks to feed a village and it won't dent their bank account. And so, next football night, she pulled all the plugs. She put his favourite drink on permanent chill, prepared a very tantalizing peppersoup, wore her sexiest dress, and prepared the parlour to look like a viewing centre. The husband came home and was impressed and duly acknowledged her efforts. You can imagine the joy in her heart. Respectfully, he stayed with her, drank as much as he could, ate his fill while they both watched the match.
Just before half-time, he gave the wife a long kiss containing lots of expo on what to expect later, took his jacket and announced that he was going to the bar. You can imagine her surprise. After all she's been through just to keep her man at home. Only for him to still go to the bar after everything. The shock didn't allow her to utter a word. And of course, her night has been ruined.
At the end of the game, the man came back. Naturally, as it is with all women, she made her disappoint known to him. But wisely keeping her anger in check, she asked him a very important question. One she would have asked in the first place.
"Honey, why do you always go to the bar every football night?"
His answer, "Just to be updated on football news. You know, find out the latest from the boys".

You see, a great many of us women, assume that we are giving our husbands everything they desire in a woman; food, comfort and sex. But we fail to understand that most men reason beyond these things. A man would love a woman who can discuss his job and indulge in his idiocyncracies with him just as a woman would likd a man who would stay home, keep her company, gossip with her and help her with the home and kids.

I honestly believe and know that, if my husband is misbehaving, there must be something I am doing right that is causing it. Yes, some of us will scream, "he should take responsibility for his actions". But truth be told, we'll also suffer if we don't help him overcome. If Zipporah hadn't circumcised their son, which was Moses' responsibility, she would have ended up a widow while waiting for Moses to take responsibility(Exodus 4:24-25). It is a different matter if the man is stiff-necked. But hey, news flash! He was that way before you married him.

Please, I may have focused on women in this post. Know that it applies to both spouses. Marriage is a team sport. Ask widows and widowers. They'll explain better.

May God help us to keep our marriages intact and not be the ones to break it through something we may have overlooked in Jesus name, amen!
O! Don't forget to have fun and ensure that God is never missing in your marriage.
A wayward spouse will always come back home if you have God and are willing to forgive.
God bless our marriages!

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